Glass Bottom Swiftboat
Update: Finally! Slate's Mickey Kaus takes on Ann Coulter on CNN's Paula Zahn Show and mirrored my statement here. Better late than never, but I was first.
Environmental politics, commentary and analysis from the inside.
In The Wealth of Nations, Smith argued that only the unfettered dealings of merchants and customers could ensure economic prosperity. But he also warned against the formation of monopolies—mighty behemoths that face little or no competition. Our history brims with his legacy. Consider the explosion of industry and the reign of the robber barons during the first Gilded Age in the last decades of the 19th century.Writes Bill Moyers.
the circumstances of her death — “not wearing a seatbelt while holding a five-month-old in (her) lap” — seem fitting," The NewWest wrote. "Her own death came as a result of the libertarianism she tried to leave with us."Sometimes accidents impersonate meaning. In reality it's another one gone.
Around 1994 Ms. Novik began writing fan fiction, stories based on the characters of other writers. She called it “embarrassing, terrible early work” that could not be published — thankfully, she said — because it would be tantamount to copyright infringement on other authors’ characters.This is the only true statement that can be made from this sort of thing. Sooner or later you write your own and see what can happen. I don't do dragons but this is the path for those who do. Knocking out one in two months is another matter.
ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME. KEVIN., a humorous account of his deeply-disturbing spiritual crisis, which sends him back to his childhood home in North Carolina in search of his Ultimate Purpose, only to be met with serious doses of reality in the form of his congenitally reclusive brother, manic depressive mother, and grandmother suffering from advanced Alzheimer's (his grandfather and dad were there, too, but they never left the basement where they continually repaired a single lawn mower), to Lindsay Sagnette at Bloomsbury, by Erin Hosier at The Gernert Company.With that kind of background it's easy to see why Keck is successful. Naturally he and Tommy Lee share the same agent.