Current Mood
So happy to report a clean bill of prostate cancer health! I'm on my last hormone shot and clean one year after my radiation. Also after a horrible alcohol withdrawal reaction last April that involved a week stay in the hospital during Easter I've not had a real beer since. Onward!
I've gone back to my writing career and hope to resume the acting path I left in 2000 to complete school. Given the boom of Yellowstone shows in Montana I'm going to relocate back there in the spring to get a closer look at the action doing background and whatever level I can get to as a Sag-Aftra member for bigger parts. I'm writing several screenplays to market. Patriot on the Kennebec and The Longest Road are completed. Currently I'm halfway through Yellowstone: Blackwater Rising. Eventually I'll adapt the climate series Warm Front and Heat Wave. Have to keep eyes on the prize as there's no going back only forward through semi-retirement. Waiting on a new apartment by spring as the lists open up.