The Climate Fakir
Is Steven McIntyre a mining consultant who has decided on his terms that Michael Mann has fraudulently modeled the climate. Right. He would know. This is pure wingnuttery and not legitimate. The idea here, on behalf of energy companies and Republican Congressmen and Senators and their equivalents north of the border into heavy oil sands work, is to paint climate scientists as frauds. Typical right wing interest politics for sure, but not valid as science. Let's see NASA Ph.D's or an economist and his boy Friday? That's a toughie.
Update: Deniers For Hire
Update: Deniers For Hire
What is the CA blog? My understanding of glabal warming is extensive and I know who the experts are and aren't. I know who pays for the views they want. Do you?
It's a fraud pure and simple. McIntyre is an mining industry shill and everything he says is a lie. Mann's data have only improved since the first paper. Th eproxies are sound and your brain is not. Wingnuttery is NOT science. That's all you have: nutballery.
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